A large number of people gather during Patronal Feasts, where worshiped images of Saints play a very important role and are almost always taken in procession, occupying a preference place in the acts of cult

These major religious festivals take place in Patagonia of Valleys and Volcanoes tourist area and in the city of Junín de los Andes (in the Patagonia of Lakes tourist area).

In the town of Las Ovejas, Saint Sebastian festival takes place, a cultural and religious festival during which people carry out of different activities, and in Junín de los Andes the reminder of Devout Laura Vicuña is celebrated. These places were the first centres of evangelization and literacy of the Salesian congregations, since they are the oldest towns in the province. There are various churches and chapels in Neuquén whose construction is not only material, but also spiritual, since their deep meaning is to express the presence of God.

Religious procession
from Huinganco to Ailinco

San Sebastián festival in Las Ovejas

In Junín de los Andes there are different places of religious interest, like Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Sanctuary, the María Auxiliadora del Paimún Chapel and the majestic Vía Christi. The latter is a reminder of the final most important moments in Jesus Christ’s life, in a more than a mile long pedestrian walk. There are 21 stations to tour, which hold majestic statues.

Via Crucis during easter time in Vía Christi pedestrian walk.

Other places of interest in Villa La Angostura are the Nuestra Señora de Asunción chapel, and in the capital city, María Auxiliadora Cathedral (headquarters of Neuquén episcopate) and Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish.